OMEN Achieve Gamefulness
Can gaming make you smarter?

My mom always said no, but according to some scientists and researchers, it does. It can make you more focused and improve your stamina and responsiveness. Ouch, mom.

With this insight in our desks, we created a tongue in cheek campaign that united 2 things I love the most - gaming and poking fun at the mindfulness hype. If gaming can make you better, gaming is a lot like mindfulness. That’s how gamefulness was created.

In these three 30’’ spots, gamers are led by “The Masters” to train at the "Gamer Training Institute," where they can strengthen their real life abilities through gaming. Oh, and we didn’t forget brains that glows according to the beat of a song and of course, humans pyramids. You can’t have a gamefulness campaign without humans pyramids.

Agency: Wieden +
Kennedy Shanghai
ECD: Ian Toombs, Vivian Yong
Creative Directos: Tree Chan
Copywriters: Nick Partyka, Christy Chen, Aier Xu, Raphael Valenti
Art Director: Follen See, César Farah, Matteo Marchionni

Director: The Sacred Eggs
Production Company: Hamlet

©RaphaValentiSenior CopywriterSão Paulo 2024